Home Electric Appliances

2022/11/24 10:18

IBF for Home Electric Appliances


For more than 10 years, we have collaborated with the top household appliance manufacturers. We are moving toward a world of home eletric appliances for smart, connected homes and household appliances managed by apps and voice assistants, and these factors are driving the industry's progress.

1669259905779121.png What we translate

Ⅰ Sales and Marketing Communication 

  • websites

  • catalogs

  • press campaigns

  • presentations

  • promotional videos

  • audio transcripts

  • newsletters

  • company magazines

  • brochures

  • sales training courses (eLearning)

Ⅱ Financial Documents

Sustainability and financial reports, financial statements, RFAs, audits, tax documents, insurance policies, business plans. 

Corporate communication: corporate websites, internal portals, board of directors meeting minutes, resolutions, circulars, regulatory documents, codes of ethics, codes of conduct, internal communications and procedures.

Ⅲ Legal Documents

Association articles, business register records, contracts, non-disclosure agreements, general conditions of purchase, warranties, licensing agreements, certifications, regulations, court judgements, GDPR documents and tender specifications.

Ⅳ Technical Documents

User, installer and maintenance manuals, diagnostic and part catalogs, technical data sheets and bulletins, eLearning courses for technical sales training, design specifications and patents.
