Interpreting for Multilingual Meetings

  • Customized interpreting services for business meetings in any language combination, ranging from in-person interactions to significant gatherings and conferences.

  • From simultaneous interpreting at meetings and events to telephone interpretation for regular multilingual contact.

  • Explore different interpreting scenarios and find the best fit for your multilingual communication needs.

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Our Solutions


A wider international audience that might not normally be able to attend a physical event can be reached through virtual and hybrid meetings, delivering a considerably higher worldwide impact in addition to saving time and money on travel, venue planning, and logistics. 

IBF delivers linguistic and technology-adept interpreting solutions to ensure the necessary flexibility and involvement. Meeting participants can communicate and listen in the preferred language with little to no extra effort or setup because interpreting systems are becoming more intuitive and simple to use.


  • workshops, work seminars, trainings, internal meetings;

  • town-halls;

  • board meetings;

  • site visit, audits;

  • bilateral negotiation

    Please feel free to contact us if you have any other interpretation needs.

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